Felix Rieseberg:
I dedicated years bringing web technologies and desktop apps closer together.
The most recent and most successful project in that vein is Electron, which
I’ve spent the last ten years working on.
As an open source project, our website never had to “convince people” to use
Electron, so I never took the time to actually explain why I’m betting on
web technologies to build user interfaces or why I prefer bundling a
rendering engine.
Electron’s choices, especially the very idea of building interfaces with web
tech and shipping large parts of Chromium to render them, are not
uncontroversial. Reasonable people wonder why we made those choices.
I finally took the time to write down the arguments for the choices that we
made. You can find that document on the Electron
homepage. It tries to pre-empt a lot of common
misconceptions. This post is a pairing suggestion—and discusses some of
the things I believe people get most wrong about Electron on the Internet
I’ll admit I’m not a huge Electron fan. Slack’s early years soured me on it
considerably. Back then it would regularly use 2Gb or more of RAM, which was
outrageous on a contemporary machine with 8Gb of RAM.
Nowadays Electron apps are somewhat unavoidable, and seem to be a bit
better behaved. Still, there’s no standard UI across Electron apps, and each
one bringing 100Mb or more of Chromium along for the ride does not fill
me with joy. Ultimately, Electron feels like a tool that’s good for business,
not a tool for building amazing applications.
Nonetheless it’s interesting to read this perspective on Electron from one of its
developers. I certainly don’t agree with some of the arguments though:
Electron pits JavaScript versus native code
The argument: JavaScript isn’t the right choice for everything. Native is
better. Electron is not native.
This misconception is likely the fault of Electron’s maintainer team and
especially me. Most of the talks I’ve given in the earlier days of Electron
highlighted its ability to interact with the operating system from
However, the entire point of Electron is that you can pair your web app with
any native code you want to write—specifically with C++, Objective-C, or
I don’t think that point is well advertised or a reflection of Electron use in
practice. From my experience most Electron apps use JavaScript and web
technologies as much as possible, only using native code if absolutely
necessary. In contrast Tauri seems to emphasise the native back-end aspect of
their implementation quite a bit more. Right on their home page they say:
Write your frontend in JavaScript, application logic in Rust, and integrate
deep into the system with Swift and Kotlin.
Whereas the only similar thing on the Electron home page is:
Native graphical user interfaces
Interact with your operating system’s interfaces with Electron’s main process
APIs. Customize your application window appearance, control application
menus, or alert users through dialogs or notifications.
The APIs that it’s talking about are JavaScript APIs… so that you can stay in
JS land and not have to write native code.
Most Electron apps clock in around 100 to 300 MB. From first principles,
smaller is obviously better. Nobody argues that a bigger app is better than a
smaller app.
But: Users, both in the consumer and business space, do not care. One hour of
Netflix at 4K is roughly 7 GB, a typical Call of Duty update regularly clocks
in more than 300 GB. In practice, we have not seen end users care about
binary size more than they do about virtually anything else your engineering
team could spend time on.
This feels like its coming from an incredibly privileged and sheltered
viewpoint. I’m sure there are plenty of places in the world where people do
care a lot about downloads clocking in at hundreds of megabytes. No doubt
there’s a bunch of them here in Australia—my parents still have a
12MBit connection. Additionally, there’s a big difference between ephemeral
downloads for streaming and downloads that permanently take up space on your
hard disk (multiplied by every Electron app you have installed).