
Linked List is curated by Wesley Moore in the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

It takes inspiration from many great publications such as:

I’ve enjoyed these publications for a long time—sometimes decades. As I’ve drifted out of the Apple ecosystem, I felt there was space for a similar style blog focussed on topics that I’m into: Linux and other alternate operating systems, open-source software, programming, embedded systems, retro computing, web development, UI design, and technology in general.

If that sounds interesting I hope you’ll stick around. Maybe subscribe to the feed or follow Linked List on the Fediverse.


You can contact me directly via:

  • Email: linkedlist@wezm.net
  • Fediverse: @wezm@mastodon.decentralised.social


The Linked List theme is derived from the Alpine theme for Micro.blog, which was derived from the theme from Cactus. Alpine is used under the terms of the MIT Licence.

Nerdy Details

Linked List is built with Zola and hosted on Alpine Linux at Vultr (referral link). It is set in DM Sans.