Mu-An Chiou:
“Write JavaScript like it’s 2005” had been GitHub’s front-end team’s guideline since its inception, until React got pushed down from Microsoft management and most of us on the front-end team quit. If you are a user of, consider how it has changed since 2020.
This is an old practice that has gotten lost in the ways with the manufacture of JavaScript industrial complex/ecosystems and frameworks. I hate to be the one to tell old tales but this is just another reminder that you can absolutely avoid dependency hell, We used to review every single dependency that goes into GitHub Dotcom and during our time the JS bytes continuously decreased as features were added.
That guideline was certainly evident as a user, as was the change post 2020. In
some ways, the post-2020 pages have more features and respond to interactions
faster but at the same time the new React based source view is infuriating at
times: trying to select text and having it highlight the whole symbol for the
symbol view/search, or Ctrl-f
not always invoking the browser UI, for